Pink Fire Pointer February 2013

Reduce Weight after Pregnancy - Measures

It is an old idea or belief that breast-feeding or breast-feeding reduce the weight much faster than women from the bottle. Well, that's the idea in the search mode, and nobody has really proven that this is a fact or a myth. However, it is a common belief for some time. Researchers with experience of the sample with 236 nursing mothers in Montreal said in its report that it allows some women have breast-fed infants and use bottles to prove the theory. Surprisingly, they found that women who breastfed, started throwing a certain amount of fat for 6 to 8 months. During followed women who bottle, diet and exercise, including wearing a seat belt were seemed to lose weight faster in 3-4 months. Researchers have not able to confirm the theory, but believe that breastfeeding helps the mother to lose the extra weight through the use of energy reserves during lactation.
It is not recommended that measures weight in the first 2 months of losing leave following the birth. Through diet and intense exercise, it will be reduction in milk production. Shall bear a corset for weight loss is very effective after 2 to 3 months after delivery. Milk is very important for the newborn. Mothers should their opinion that they do not get their pre-pregnancy shape in no case after the delivery. However, they may by up to 80% of its weight before pregnancy. Women should be on losing weight slowly and gradually concentrate, such as up to 0.7 pounds per week without affecting milk production. Healthy women minimum energy requirement is 1200cal/day and his mother needed breastfeeding at least 1800 calories / day. A rapid weight loss body fat allows the ingestion of toxins, such as environmental toxins, lead, mercury, organic pollutants, which can in turn affect the body and the baby. It is recommended that the intake of 5 to 6 small meals a day instead of 2 or 3 large meals a day diet. Diet works negatively on health. Control of body weight has also stated that the ideal weight loss throwing 30 to 35 kg 5-6 times a year. Additional 3 to 5 kg weight will be reduced by wearing belly band after pregnancy.

Ideal diet is to reduce the additional calories, resulting in weight gain. It is advisable to reduce the intake of fats and not eliminated, because fat is essential, daily at the energy consumption of 1800 calories. Fried foods should be avoided as trans fat, cholesterol or heart disease has caused. Saturated fats such as meat and dairy products, olive oil, fish, salmon can be consumed to maintain the required level of calories. Post delivery mothers should drink 9-10 glasses of water per day. Low-fat milk, whole grain breads, cereals, dairy products, high-fiber foods like apples, oranges, berries. Raw vegetables such as carrots help to reduce weight naturally.

Capacity control by exercise, yoga and walking follow. Mother should wear a maternity belt train not post though, burn more fat. There are many abdominal wound on the market, but mothers should seek the specifically designed for weight loss after birth. They are available in finishes such as slip ins and have zipper. Zipper designed for cesarean incision and supporters slip natural birth.

Preparing Body and Mind for Self-defense Situations

Special Forces have a saying: "order, hardwork, discipline" - and there are things that make ready for whatever may happen. In life, is not the same as in the army, but you soon see the same principles can be applied in our daily routine. To represent our own organizational skills, it is hard work, discipline and drive that we mean that we urgently need our work will be required to work successfully. Some people say that this is the only formula for happiness and success in life that you really need.

So, what makes this launch were executed with the preparation of self-defense or to fight for survival? Now, this kind of preparation is an ongoing process that requires a lot of work to complete and many people try and stop easily. This means that you can order and have students find themselves hard. During the preparations, particularly those that affect the body

Preparation of the body
To prepare your body for a situation self-defense/survival, you need to stay healthy and fit. Of course, this means that you need to exercise regularly and find a place for a healthy and balanced diet. You must be strong in others, to have the strength to defend themselves endured worse and pass all the obstacles that have threatened. So how can you do that?

You do not have the gym is your home away from home for investment, even thousands of dollars in equipment from the house of intense exercise. To begin with, you should try to go for a run, jog or bike every morning and some exercises like squats and pumps. If you can afford to buy dumbbells, so be sure and lift because it really helps you to gradually increase your muscle strength. You can finish your morning exercise routine with a hot shower.

So not every day a challenge as well, but many people do not have it miserably. Many have a problem with the organization of their work and leisure, so they give the year. Another problem that the exercise does not give you quick results must be stopped and a lot of people because it is their hard work does not think very effective. However, we can promise you this - stick with your exercise program and you will be rewarded!

Prepare the mind
Your mind must be as uniform as your body will be prepared. What are the strong muscles, if your brain is paralyzed in shock, and you waive any? The best way to get your body and mind at the same time to prepare is to either enroll in a course of self-defense or to start practicing martial arts. The second option is much longer, but there is no excuse, not the first choice. Women should learn to be more current as they help them defend themselves in different situations.

If you are considering purchasing a stun gun, a taser, pepper spray or even a gun to protect yourself, you must be mentally fit everything under control. And holds together Situations that require self-defense is very stressful and it's easy to keep your cool. What you can not drive with your personal protection in the right way, bad news, and can kill you!

Martial arts, regular meditation, self-defense classes and regular device you choose can greatly help you prepare for the first scenario. If you know what to do and what you keep your head together, then there is no need to worry - you'll be fine. But how to do that, as we noted earlier, it takes a lot of hard work. However, if you try hard enough - you will be rewarded.

Alkaline Diet - How To Get Into It

The alkaline diet revolves around the theory that it held certain foods that you need to be able to eat for proper pH balance of the body, so that the general health will be improved. This diet is for people who suffer from energy shortages, congestion, frequent colds and flu, headaches, and Ovarian (, polycystic benign). If you move to this diet into consideration, here are some tips that you can follow.
Stay hydrated
Drinking water is not the habits of every person, and it is safe to say that these people are missing the benefits of hydration. Drink water and get create huge difference to the health, vitality, energy and immunity hydrated. The following alkaline diet, it is recommended to drink the water alkalinity and pH should be Filter 8 to 9.5. Ideally you should have 6-18 glasses of water per day or half your body weight, drinking (measured in ounces). If you have access to the water source, you do not have a problem drinking alkaline. If you have treated your water by reverse osmosis, so that fluorides can be removed. You can do this by doing one filter the fruit extract ¼ lemon with two cups of warm water. Herbal teas are also recommended. You can also make drops micronutrients in drugstores and food to your alkaline water.
Food consumption ratio right
According to this scheme room, it's very important that you understand which foods are acidic and alkaline. Alkaline foods are what we already know is good for health, such as salads, fresh vegetables, green leafy vegetables, seeds, nuts and fruit sugar, healthy oils, organic food, non-food and refined foods with high water content. Acidic foods are bad foods as refined, processed foods and fast, meat, dairy products, trans fats, caffeine, sugar, dairy products and alcohol. The corresponding ratio of follow alkaline diet is 60% alkaline and 40% acid at first and increase until you are 80% alkaline and 20% acidic foods.
Make the change
In the move, do not forget the things done slowly and gradually. Eager to make changes in your diet, you are likely to lead to failure to introduce. The idea of ​​this scheme is to know which foods work best for you slowly when you're not hungry, restricted or private, when following this diet.
Learn to breathe correctly
Breathing is not only inhale and exhale. Proper breathing is important for maintaining the alkaline diet and flush the excess acids in the body. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and breathe air in two ways. Keep the air you breathe eight counts, then exhale in four counts. Repeat this exercise ten times in order to make the most of the oxygen you breathe.
Take the right supplements
Just like bodybuilding, can be confused choose with so many different supplements to choose from on the market. It is a green powder that combines grass powder, vegetables and fruits, along with seeds like barley grass and wheat grass. Alkaline water is also commercially available, or you can do it yourself with a water ionizer by pH drops or extracts of freshly squeezed lemon. Alkaline minerals, such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium. Omega-3 oils, such as Omega, Omega-6 and Omega-9 are ideal you can also take supplements.
Exercise moderately
Moderate exercise can also be done hand in hand with good eating habits so that your nodes to eliminate excess acids and acid waste effectively. Remember to perform the exercise is moderate, because too much exercise can lead to the production of lactic acid, and therefore lead to an imbalance alkaline / acid.